211 Smith Street Arthur, On, N0G 1A0 Canada


sub RJ Spagnols
sub Millhouse Accessories
sub Coopers Beer Kits
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About us?

What's so interesting about us?


I would say, that if you enjoy a good glass of wine, a cool smooth beer, or any kind of soft alcoholic drinks, then you might find us interesting.


If you find it interesting and rewarding making your own cocktails, then maybe we could be of interest to you!


If you like to keep a few dollars in your pocket, then maybe we could be worth a visit!


Currently our kits and supplies are available at the back of the main building, just follow the signs.. We are working on the U-Brew / Vin part of the business, which we would like to have open to help serve you in late spring or early summer. Come on by if you would like to inquire, we are usually working on the new facility Saturday mornings, or available most mornings during the week.



The Mill House in Arthur Ontario was built in the late 1800's as a mill supplying chopped grains and milled flours to the local community. In the 1930's, there is evidence that the original building burned to the ground, and a new duplicate building was reserected.

In the early 1950's the United Farmers COOP bought the facility, and added on a large retail store to the south of the main building. The coop started doing a lot more retail, and eventually the grain service stopped. The coop was such a success that it built a 3200 sq ft warehouse behind the main building for overflow warehousing in aproximately 1978.

In 2007 the building was bought by one of the owners of the Mill House Vine & Brew Company, and immediately started to formulate a plan to work with a couple of friends to open a kraft brewery. As a lead in to the brewery, the Millhouse was sectioned off for a U-Vin. As a prelaunch for the U portion, we are selling kits and supplies at the back of the main building.